Megan & Chip

September 26, 2025 • Kansas City, MO, USA
197 Days To Go!

Megan & Chip

September 26, 2025 • Kansas City, MO, USA
197 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Barley - Dog of Honor
Barley, Prince of Darkness, has been maintaining Megan's, and now Chip's, mental health since his Gotcha Day in 2017. He is our beloved cat-dog, gentle sir, and armchair enthusiast.
Marshall - Best Dog
Marshall struck gold with Megan in 2018 when he was found in a ditch and brought to the Sedgwick County Health Department where Megan was working. He is the household's comic relief and guaranteed snuggler.
Sara "Swells" Wells
Sara "Swells" Wells - Maid of Honor
An icon, like Cher or Prince, needing just one name- Swells. Swells has been with Megan since their first days in high school. Through whatever comes and to whatever end...
Vlad Papa
Vlad Papa - Best Man
Carolina "Nina" Agemy
Carolina "Nina" Agemy - Bridesmaid
Oh Nina, long have you endured some of Megan's deepest and most challenging philosophical questions... Like, "is cereal soup" and "is it the 's' or the 'c' in 'scent' that is silent"? Nina and Megan have been answering life's most difficult questions since middle school!
Jennifer "J Lowe" Lowe
Jennifer "J Lowe" Lowe - Bridesmaid
Little Seester! Megan's favorite problem child, J Lowe always helps Megan tease out any "hiccups" in her farfetched schemes, which sometimes just makes them that much more diabolical... Intent on solving the world's problems one day at a time, hand these two masterminds the keys and they'll take it from there- just don't ask them to do a chi-square by hand ever again 😊
Diana "Wife" Correa Carr
Diana "Wife" Correa Carr - Bridesmaid
Megan's former work wife from their Sedgwick County days, Megan found a kindred spirit in Diana almost instantly and told her they would be friends. It's a good thing Diana agreed (although Megan didn't give her much of a choice 😂). She loves her guts...
Jordan "ILY" Kennedy
Jordan "ILY" Kennedy - Bridesman
If it weren't for Jordan, Megan's most fashionable friend, she'd live her life in her Stitch onesie- and he'd love her just the same. Jordan and Megan met studying public health at Saint Louis University and she still bothers him regularly for fashion and general life advice.
Tom Cohlmia
Tom Cohlmia - Groomsman
Matt Cohlmia
Matt Cohlmia - Groomsman
Chris Ballard - Groomsman
Jordan Borrell
Jordan Borrell - Groomsman